- SlideDeck: W1.1-deepNNtext
- Version: current
- Lead team: instructor
- Notes: deep nlp basics
Basics of ML and DL:
Basics of NLP
- Typical NLP tasks / Challenges / Pipeline
- f() on natural language
- Before Deep NLP (Pre 2012) • (BOW / LSI / Topic Modeling LDA )
- Word2Vec (2013-2016) • (GloVe/ FastText)
- Recurrent NN (2014-2016) • LSTM
- Seq2Seq
- Attention
- Self-Attention (2016 – now )
- Transformer (attention only Seq2Seq)
- BERT / RoBERTa/ XLNet/ GPT / …
- A good code walk through on transformer at URL