Website for 2022 Spring -UVA-CS Machine Learning: Machine Learning Foundation, Deep Learning and Good Uses (Undergraduate Advanced)

Course Schedule and Notes

The lectures' schedule below is tentative and is continually subject to change; We will move at whatever pace we find comfortable.  

Date Week Qz Title / Post Lecture PDF Focus Video (Split2Modules) Study Note
0120 W1 Q0 Introduction Slides: S0-Intro basics M2 / M3 Numpy Tutorial
Extra Extra Algebra Review Slides: S0-AlgbReview prerequisite scikit-learn tutorials Khanacademy Math + CMU study note

Section 1 - Basics Supervised & On Tabular Input Type

Platform Platform Scikit-learn Slides: S0-scikit-learn-self-study library How install basic tutorial + scikit-learn code examples
0125 W2 Machine Learning in a Nutshell Slides: S1-nutshell basics M1 / M2 / M3 two modes running example
0127 W2 Q1 Linear Regression Slides: S1-LinearReg tabular M1 / M2 / M3 / M4 linear regression coderun + regression on COVID19
0201 W3 GD and SGD for LR Slides: S1-LROptimization tabular M1 + M2 SGD Jupyter notebook + numpy linalg
0203 W3 Q2 LR with basis Slides: S1-LRSelectExtend tabular M1 + M2 RBF regression notebook
0208 W4 Workflow for model selection Slides: S1-ModelSelect tabular M1 hyperpara select notebook + flow API
0210 W4 Q3 Linear Prediction with Regularization Slides: S1-lrRegularized tabular M1 + M2 + Extra M3 notebook regularized RBF regression
0215 W5 KNN and Theory Slides: S1-KNN tabular M1 + M2 kNN notebook
0217 W5 Q4 Bias Variance Tradeoff Slides: S1-biasVariance theory M1 + M2 notebook validation and learning curves
Extra Extra Lasso and Elastic Net Slides: S1-lrRegularized tabular Extra M3 Elastic paper

Section 2 - Deep on 2D Grid Type (e.g. Imaging)

0222 W6 ProbReview + MLE Slides: S2-MLE basics M1 Error Metrics
0224 W6 Q5 Logistic and NN Slides: S2-LogisticRegression structured M1 + M2 code + compare classifiers
0301 W7 NN and Deep Learning Slides: S2-deepNNBasics structured M1+ M2+ M3 DNN Cheatsheets
0303 W7 Q6 CNN Slides: S2-deepImageCNN 2d(vision) M1+ M2 Keras notebook + FastAI Cov19-Notebook
0315 W8 PCA, Feature Selection Slides: S2-dimReduce 2d(vision) M1 Great PCA Video + PCA Notebook
0317 W8 Q7 Feature Selection Slides: S3-feaSelc tabular (Extra M2 + M3 ) S3-QuizReview + ELS Ch3.4 and Ch3.3 + API

Section 3 - Deep on 1D Sequence Type (e.g. Language Text)

Extra Extra Prob Review Slides: S3-ProbReview prerequisite M1 + M2
Platform Platform pyTorch + Keras Slides: S3-L0-Keras library S3-L0-pytorch
0322 W9 Recent deep learning on Text Slides: S3-deepNNtext 1D(Text) M1 + M2 + M3 Keras Notebook on DNN text
Platform Platform Huggingface Invited Lecture Slides: S3-LI-huggingface-notReady library see slack S3-L0-pytorch + FastAI Cov19-Notebook
0324 W9 Q8 Generative Classification Slides: S3-GenerativeBayesClassify basics M1 + M2 + (Extra M3 ) text NBC notebook
0329 W10 NaiveBC on Text Slides: S3-NBCtext 1D(Text) M1 + M2 + (Extra M3 + M4) text NBC notebook
Extra Extra Gaussian GBC Slides: S3-GaussianGBC tabular Extra M4 Paper Discr vs. Genera

Section 4 - More Advanced Supervsied on Tabular Type

0331 W10 Q9 Buffer Slides: S4-Buffer
0405 W11 Quiz reviews Slides: S4-quiz-review see slack see slack
0407 W11 SVM Slides: S4-SVM-basic tabular M1 + M2 PCA+SVM Notebook
0412 W12 SVM, Kernel Slides: S4-SVM-kerneltrick structured M1 + M2 + M3 + (Extra M4) Practical Guide
0414 W12 Q10 DecisionTree and Bagging Slides: S4-DecisionTree tabular M1 + M2 + M3
0419 W13 RF and Boosting Slides: S4-DT-Ensemble tabular M1 + M2 + M3 + M4 xgboost
Extra Extra SVM, Dual Slides: S4-SVM-optimDual optimize Extra M4 SMO
Extra Extra convex optim with Dual Slides: S4-SVMoptimDual-Extra optimize VC Theory
Extra Extra More on Boosting Slides: S4-DT-moreBoosting optimize

Section 5 - Not Supervised

0421 W13 Q11 Clustering Hier Slides: S5-clustering1-Hier tabular M1 + M2 compare Hier clusterings
Extra Extra Clustering Partition Slides: S5-clustering2-kMeans tabular M1 + M2 compare clusterings
0426 W14 Reinforcement Learning Slides: S5_RL22 structured
Extra Extra deep RL Gym Slides: S5-RL-Gym-to-come library Invited Speaker
Extra Extra Clustering GMM Slides: S5-clustering3-GMM tabular (Extra M3)
Extra Extra Clustering GMM Slides: S5-EMextra advanced EM primer

Section 6 - Wrap Up

0428 W14 Q12 Quick survey of recent deep learning Slides: S3-deepNNSurvey survey M1 + M2 + M3 + M4 DNN Cheatsheets
Extra Extra Review Slides: S6-review library video + HW1-3 Key HW4-key + Quiz-keys [ML Cheatsheets]