2020 Fall UVa CS Machine Learning Lectures Organized by Tags

Click on a tag to see relevant list of lectures.


Title Lecture Notes Video
Introduction Slide Numpy Tutorial M1 / M2 / M3
Algebra Review Slide Khanacademy Math + CMU study note scikit-learn tutorials
Scikit-learn Slide basic tutorial + scikit-learn code examples How install
Machine Learning in a Nutshell Slide two modes running example M1 / M2 / M3
Linear Regression Slide linear regression coderun + regression on COVID19 M1 / M2 / M3 / M4
ProbReview + MLE Slide Error Metrics M1
Prob Review Slide M1 + M2
Review Slide [ML Cheatsheets] video + HW1-3 Key HW4-key + Quiz-keys
Project Presentations (on Dec7 and Dec8) Slide [deep2reproduce]


Title Lecture Notes Video
Linear Regression Slide linear regression coderun + regression on COVID19 M1 / M2 / M3 / M4
GD and SGD for LR Slide SGD Jupyter notebook + numpy linalg M1 + M2
LR with basis Slide polynomial regression notebook + RBF regression notebook M1 + M2
Workflow for model selection Slide hyperpara select notebook + flow API M1
Linear Prediction with Regularization Slide notebook regularized RBF regression + old video on advanced M1 + M2 + Extra M3
Lasso and Elastic Net Slide Elastic paper Extra M3


Title Lecture Notes Video
KNN and Theory Slide kNN notebook M1 + M2
Logistic and NN Slide code + compare classifiers M1 + M2
NN and Deep Learning Slide DNN Cheatsheets M1+ M2+ M3+ M4
CNN Slide Keras + FastAI examples M1+ M2
Generative Classification Slide text NBC notebook M1 + M2 + (Extra M3 )
NaiveBC on Text Slide text NBC notebook M1 + M2 + (Extra M3 + M4)
Quick survey of recent deep learning Slide DNN Cheatsheets M1 + M2 + M3 + M4
Gaussian GBC Slide Paper Discr vs. Genera Extra M4
Learning to Generate Slide
SVM Slide PCA+SVM Notebook M1 + M2
SVM, Kernel Slide Practical Guide M1 + M2 + M3 + (Extra M4)
DecisionTree and Bagging Slide M1 + M2 + M3
RF and Boosting Slide xgboost M1 + M2 + M3 + M4
SVM, Dual Slide SMO Extra M4
convex optim with Dual Slide VC Theory
More on Boosting Slide


Title Lecture Notes Video
Recent deep learning on Text Slide Keras Notebook on DNN text M1 + M2 + M3
Quick survey of recent deep learning Slide DNN Cheatsheets M1 + M2 + M3 + M4
Clustering Hier Slide compare Hier clusterings M1 + M2
Clustering Partition Slide compare clusterings M1 + M2 + (Extra M3)
Clustering GMM Slide
Clustering GMM Slide EM primer


Title Lecture Notes Video
KNN and Theory Slide kNN notebook M1 + M2
Bias Variance Tradeoff Slide notebook validation and learning curves M1 + M2
SVM Slide PCA+SVM Notebook M1 + M2
SVM, Kernel Slide Practical Guide M1 + M2 + M3 + (Extra M4)
DecisionTree and Bagging Slide M1 + M2 + M3
SVM, Dual Slide SMO Extra M4
convex optim with Dual Slide VC Theory
More on Boosting Slide
Clustering GMM Slide
Clustering GMM Slide EM primer


Title Lecture Notes Video
Logistic and NN Slide code + compare classifiers M1 + M2
NN and Deep Learning Slide DNN Cheatsheets M1+ M2+ M3+ M4
CNN Slide Keras + FastAI examples M1+ M2
Recent deep learning on Text Slide Keras Notebook on DNN text M1 + M2 + M3
Quick survey of recent deep learning Slide DNN Cheatsheets M1 + M2 + M3 + M4


Title Lecture Notes Video
PCA, Feature Selection Slide Great PCA Video + PCA Notebook M1
Feature Selection Slide ELS Ch3.4 and Ch3.3 + API (Extra M2 + M3 )


Title Lecture Notes Video
Logistic and NN Slide code + compare classifiers M1 + M2
NN and Deep Learning Slide DNN Cheatsheets M1+ M2+ M3+ M4
CNN Slide Keras + FastAI examples M1+ M2
Recent deep learning on Text Slide Keras Notebook on DNN text M1 + M2 + M3
Quick survey of recent deep learning Slide DNN Cheatsheets M1 + M2 + M3 + M4
SVM Slide PCA+SVM Notebook M1 + M2
SVM, Kernel Slide Practical Guide M1 + M2 + M3 + (Extra M4)
RF and Boosting Slide xgboost M1 + M2 + M3 + M4
SVM, Dual Slide SMO Extra M4
convex optim with Dual Slide VC Theory


Title Lecture Notes Video
DecisionTree and Bagging Slide M1 + M2 + M3
RF and Boosting Slide xgboost M1 + M2 + M3 + M4
More on Boosting Slide


Title Lecture Notes Video
Gaussian GBC Slide Paper Discr vs. Genera Extra M4


Title Lecture Notes Video
Generative Classification Slide text NBC notebook M1 + M2 + (Extra M3 )
NaiveBC on Text Slide text NBC notebook M1 + M2 + (Extra M3 + M4)
Recent deep learning on Text Slide Keras Notebook on DNN text M1 + M2 + M3
Quick survey of recent deep learning Slide DNN Cheatsheets M1 + M2 + M3 + M4
Gaussian GBC Slide Paper Discr vs. Genera Extra M4
probabilistic programming Slide
Clustering Partition Slide compare clusterings M1 + M2 + (Extra M3)
Clustering GMM Slide
Clustering GMM Slide EM primer


Title Lecture Notes Video
Linear Regression Slide linear regression coderun + regression on COVID19 M1 / M2 / M3 / M4
Logistic and NN Slide code + compare classifiers M1 + M2
SVM Slide PCA+SVM Notebook M1 + M2


Title Lecture Notes Video
LR with basis Slide polynomial regression notebook + RBF regression notebook M1 + M2
Workflow for model selection Slide hyperpara select notebook + flow API M1
KNN and Theory Slide kNN notebook M1 + M2
Bias Variance Tradeoff Slide notebook validation and learning curves M1 + M2


Title Lecture Notes Video
LR with basis Slide polynomial regression notebook + RBF regression notebook M1 + M2
Workflow for model selection Slide hyperpara select notebook + flow API M1
Linear Prediction with Regularization Slide notebook regularized RBF regression + old video on advanced M1 + M2 + Extra M3
KNN and Theory Slide kNN notebook M1 + M2
Lasso and Elastic Net Slide Elastic paper Extra M3
Feature Selection Slide ELS Ch3.4 and Ch3.3 + API (Extra M2 + M3 )


Title Lecture Notes Video
LR with basis Slide polynomial regression notebook + RBF regression notebook M1 + M2
Workflow for model selection Slide hyperpara select notebook + flow API M1
Logistic and NN Slide code + compare classifiers M1 + M2
NN and Deep Learning Slide DNN Cheatsheets M1+ M2+ M3+ M4
CNN Slide Keras + FastAI examples M1+ M2
Recent deep learning on Text Slide Keras Notebook on DNN text M1 + M2 + M3
Quick survey of recent deep learning Slide DNN Cheatsheets M1 + M2 + M3 + M4


Title Lecture Notes Video
GD and SGD for LR Slide SGD Jupyter notebook + numpy linalg M1 + M2
Linear Prediction with Regularization Slide notebook regularized RBF regression + old video on advanced M1 + M2 + Extra M3
Lasso and Elastic Net Slide Elastic paper Extra M3
auto differentiation Slide
probabilistic programming Slide
SVM Slide PCA+SVM Notebook M1 + M2
SVM, Kernel Slide Practical Guide M1 + M2 + M3 + (Extra M4)
SVM, Dual Slide SMO Extra M4
convex optim with Dual Slide VC Theory
More on Boosting Slide


Title Lecture Notes Video
Linear Prediction with Regularization Slide notebook regularized RBF regression + old video on advanced M1 + M2 + Extra M3
Lasso and Elastic Net Slide Elastic paper Extra M3
SVM Slide PCA+SVM Notebook M1 + M2
SVM, Kernel Slide Practical Guide M1 + M2 + M3 + (Extra M4)
SVM, Dual Slide SMO Extra M4
convex optim with Dual Slide VC Theory


Title Lecture Notes Video
deep RL Gym Slide Invited Speaker
self/semi-supervised Slide


Title Lecture Notes Video
Scikit-learn Slide basic tutorial + scikit-learn code examples How install
machine leanring in the AWS cloud Slide Invited Speaker video
pyTorch + Keras Slide S3-L0-pytorch + FastAI Cov19-Notebook see slack
adversarial text Slide Invited Speaker