Course Schedule and Notes

The lecture schedule below is tentative and is continually subject to change; We will move at whatever pace we find comfortable.  

Date Week Qz Title Lecture ToRead Video Extra Read
0828 W1 Q0 Introduction Slides: L01-intro Q0 video Numpy Tutorial
0902 W2 Algebra Review Slides: L02-review L2-linalg-notes video Useful Math
0904 W2 Linear Regression Slides: L03-lr video LR more + ELS Ch3.2
0909 W3 Q1 Optimization for LR Slides: L04-lropt video Useful SGD
0911 W3 Nonlinear Regression Slides: L05-lrExtend-SelectModel L05E-nonparametricR video NonLinear + API + ELS Ch5
0916 W4 Q2 Linear Prediction with Regularization Slides: L06-lrReg video More Ridge
0918 W4 Lasso and Elastic Net Slides: L06-lrReg L06extra-lrRegOpm video Elastic paper
0923 W5 Q3 Feature Selection and Model Selection Slides: L07-feaSelc L07-FeatureSelect-jmlrPaper video API + ELS Ch3.4 and Ch3.3
0925 W5 supervised classification Slides: L08-SCbasic video Error Metrics
0930 W6 Q4 KNN and Theory Slides: L09-KNN L09-KNN-extra video Useful BiasVar
1002 W6 Bias Variance Tradeoff Slides: L10-biasVariance L10-Tibshirani-modelbasics video ESL Ch7
1009 W7 Q5 SVM Slides: L11-SVM-basic L11-LibSVMGuide video More SVM
1014 W8 SVM, Kernel Slides: L11b-SVM-kerneltrick L11-LibSVMGuide video VC Theory
1016 W8 SVM, Dual Slides: L11c-SVM-optimDual L11Extra-SVMoptimDual video SMO + Paper SMO
1021 W9 Q6 ProbReview + MLE Slides: L12-ProbReview L13-MLE video MLE / MLE code
1023 W9 Logistic and NN Slides: L14-Logistic L14extra-Logistic video code + compare classifiers
1028 W10 Q7 NN and Deep Learning Slides: L15-NNB L15-lecun-98b MLP video
1030 W10 NN and Deep Learning Slides: L15b-NNRecap L16-PCA video CNN
1104 W11 Q8 Quick survey of recent deep learning Slides: L15c-deepReview L16-PCA video DNN Cheatsheets
1106 W11 Generative Classification Slides: L17-BC L16-PCA video
1111 W12 Q9 Gaussian BC Slides: L17b-GenerDiscr L17c-NBCtext video Paper Discr vs. Genera
1113 W12 NaiveBC on Text Slides: L17c-NBCtext L20-review video Multinomial MLE
1118 W13 Q10 DecisionTree and Bagging Slides: L18-DT L22-review video xgboost
1120 W13 RF and Boosting Slides: L18b-ensemble L18c-More-Boosting video xgboost
1125 W14 Q11 Clustering Hier Slides: L19-clustering1-Hier L19c-clustering3-GMM video compare Hier clusterings
1202 W15 Clustering Partition Slides: L19b-clustering2-kMeans L19d-EMextra-EM video compare clusterings
1204 W15 Q12 Clustering GMM Slides: L19c-clustering3-GMM L19d-EMextra-EM video EM primer
1205 W15 Review Slides: L20-review L20-AfewUseful video [Cheatsheets]
1206 W15 Friday Final Project Presentations Slides: Team Presentations [deep2reproduce]